Recipe Overview
Also known as Gateau Moutaille, Jalebis are one of the most popular confectionaries in Mauritius. These traditional Indian sweets are crispy swirls made of sweet batter dipped in syrup.
Recipe Ingredients
For Sugar syryp:
- Water - 1 cup
- Sugar - 2 cup
- Green cardamom - 2-3
- Lemon juice - 2 tsp
For Jalebi:
- Water lukewarm - 2-3 tbs
- Sugar - 1 tsp
- Instant yeast - ½ tsp
- Flour - 1 cup
- Orange Food color 1 tsp or as required
- Ghee melted - 1 tbs
- Gram flour - 1 tbs
- Water as required
- Desi ghee for frying
Important Tips:
- Timings are very important in this recipe.
- Yeast fermentation required 15 mins.
- After making Jalebi batter let it sit for maximum 10 mins, texture will be slightly changed.
- Never leave batter for long and do not store it. Use batter within 10-15 mins
- Dip jalebis in warm sugar syrup immediately after frying.
- Dip in Sugar syrup for 5-10 seconds. Fold in syrup and take them out.
For Sugar syrup:
- In pot, add water,sugar and green cardamom,mix it and cook until syrup thickens.
- In the end, add lemon juice, stir well and set aside.
- Sugar syrup is ready.
For Jalebi:
- In lukewarm water,add sugar and instant yeast,mix & let it sit for 15 minutes.
- In bowl add flour, orange food color,ghee melted,gram flour,yeast mixture,water and make a batter of desired consistency. Let it rest for 10 minutes and consume immediately (within 10-15 minutes).
- Now pour this batter in the squeezing bottle.
- In frying pan, heat desi ghee and squeeze the bottle and make centric rings with the batter.
- When one side is cooked, turn over and fry the other side.
- After frying, immediately put the fried jalebis in the sugar syrup. The sugar syrup should be slightly warm when you add jalebis in it.
- Turn over after a minute so that both sides are coated with the syrup.
- Keep them in the sugar syrup for about 2-3 minutes.
- Remove jablebis with the help of tong and shake lightly so that excess sugar syrup.
- Jalebi is ready to serve.
Recipe Gallery
Source: Food Fusion